H.e.a.r.t. Training

A New Curriculum that meets CA Sexual Health requirements available for Educators, Parents, and Youth-workers

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What is heart?

The Situation: California school districts must update sex ed curricula for secondary schools to meet the Ed Code as revised by AB 329 (CA Healthy Youth Act).

The Challenge: The sex ed curricula currently available fail to fully meet CHYA’s medical accuracy and age-appropriateness standards, and does not promote the values of the strong majority of parents. This has caused parents concerns in many school districts and resulted in loss of confidence that children are protected by the schools.

The Answer: HEART: Health Education and Relationship Training, a holistic new curriculum that complies with all California Education Code requirements and supports individual family values. It equips the youth to practice primary prevention strategies first so that they can maximize life benefits that come from delaying teen sexual activities and minimize choices that can hinder future opportunities.

The Instructor: Bennie Baek of California Youth Partnership LLC has been chosen by the curriculum writer to be the exclusive trainer to certify teachers, educators, parents, and youth and social workers to teach the curriculum.

Who’s It For? The HEART Training is for middle school and high school teachers, parents, community agency workers, or any youth serving leaders.


heart training process


California Youth Partnership is excited to be able to equip educators, parents, and youth workers in a brand new sex-ed curriculum approved by California that focuses on Primary Prevention strategies while building protective factors for optimal health. We have sat down and created two different forms of training: online e-training and in-person training. The curriculum itself can be downloaded for FREE as a nonprofit service, but you will need to be certified before you can use it. That’s where we come in to help you become trained and certified. (Note: Our training is not a Training of Trainers (TOT). Attendees are not authorized to subsequently train other staff in this curriculum.) You can download the curriculum below.



complete the Next steps:

Once you’ve downloaded the curriculum, you can continue with the following next steps to be certified and begin teaching the HEART program.


Attend The Training




Bennie Hope (Baek), MAEd, CMSCC, CSESC, SRA, Asist


Bennie has spent over twenty-five years in education with a focus on training students, teachers, and parents. She holds Multiple Subjects and Special Education Specialist credentials in California and a Masters in Education with an emphasis in Applied Behavior Analysis. Through research, she has found correlations between early sexual debut,  childhood trauma, and health risks that follow. It is her conviction that living in today’s hyper-sexualized and isolated, virtual-based culture laden with so many social pressures, students, teachers, and parents need tangible support to navigate toward a hopeful path.  She is dedicated to meeting the growing need of building social and emotional competence in youth and to training the adults with culturally relevant strategies to support youth. She brings solutions by teaching life skills that develop the will power, way power, and goal setting that lead to a healthy self, healthy relationships, and a healthy future for our youth.

 Training Options





We believe education should be accessible to all. Especially during COVID-19, we believe healthy relationship skills are needed now more than ever. Our team has worked hard to bring the HEART Training online as an e-training for teachers, parents, youth workers, social workers, or anyone who works with youth. Where you are doesn’t matter. What matters is that the youth have access to medically accurate information and social science research that will empower them to voice and choose the path that will increase their future outcomes for optimal health: socially, emotionally, and physically.



Downloadable Assets

  1. e-HEART Training Schedule and Instructions

  2. Heart In-Service Pre-work

  3. 40 Development Assets List

  4. 40 Development Assets Checklist

  5. Finding Your ACE Score

  6. Grounding Activities

Four Course Videos

  • Keys to Connect with Your Students: Who are they and what do they need? (41min)

  • Keys to Connect With Your Students: How do we use what is cultural to teach what is timeless? (36min)

  • Closer Look at the California Healthy Youth Act: What am I supposed to teach? (39min)

  • The Roadmap for The Heart Curriculum: How can I best deliver the HEART program? (72 min)

Certification Forms

  • HEART Certification Test

  • HEART Evaluation Form



WHEN: The e-training is available for you on-demand. Whenever you’re ready, you can register and take the course.

HOW LONG: Participants can plan to take 6-8 hours to go through the course and complete the certification.

PRICE: $499/person

in person training


The best learning is in person. This is why California Youth Partnership has a high value for traveling TO YOU so that your teachers and educators can be equipped with the new HEART curriculum. This is a one-day training, for groups of 15–25 middle school and high school teachers, parents, and/or community agency staff. This interactive training typically lasts from 8:30am - 5:00pm. Remember each participant is required to bring a printed copy of the curriculum: 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade and do pre-work before the training begins. After the training, attendees will be certified to teach the HEART curriculum. NOTE: This is not a Training of Trainers (TOT). Attendees are not authorized to subsequently train other staff in this curriculum.

Find an in person training near you or invite California Youth Partnership to your area.



Sample Schedule

Part 1 : The Big Picture
Keys To Connect With Your Students
“Who are they and what do they need?”

Part 2 : The Big Picture
Keys To Connect With Your Students
“How do we use what is cultural to teach what is timeless?”

Part 3 : CHYA
Closer Look at the California Healthy Youth Act
“What am I supposed to teach?”

Part 4 : The Roadmap
The Roadmap for the HEART Curriculum
“How can I best deliver the HEART program?”

Part 5 : Connecting the Dots
Application and group work

find a local TRAINING:

None scheduled currently

Request a training in your region

CYP would love to come train your educators. We travel across California for HEART and other sex-education training. A local training can be set up for 15-25 participants. CYP will be responsible for lodging and travel costs (a charge of $2000 travel stipend will be applied for out of state travel) We ask that the host provides space and light refreshments for participants. The fee is $475 per participant and we ask this is paid ten business days in advance. If a training has less than 15 participants, we ask that the host pays at least the minimum 15-person registration fee.

If you’re interested in hosting a training, please click “LEARN MORE” and contact us to begin the conversation on hosting.