“Hope is the bridge between the impossible and the possible.”
The Problem
The overwhelming exposure to hyper-sexualized content on and offline in the current culture without a holistic, systematic education that promotes optimal (physical, emotional, and social) health leaves youth vulnerable to facing various risks that impact their future outcomes.
CDC 2018 reports that half of newly diagnosed STI cases are in the 15-24 age group. One out of four sexually active teens contracts an STI.
Teen sex is connected to teen pregnancy, poverty, low school attainment, and low future economic success.
There is a strong correlation between Adverse Childhood Experiences, teen sexual behaviors, and adolescent pregnancy.
Early sexual behaviors set a pattern for later ones.
Teens engaged in sexual risks are more likely to engage in other risky behaviors such as drinking, smoking, and using drugs.
Teen sexual abuse and victimization is more likely to be experienced by youth engaged in teen sex.
Please click here for the related research and citation.
The Need
A healthy future for youth depends on building a healthy sense of self, self-efficacy, self-regulation and healthy relationship skills. They also need caring family and caregivers who are committed to building protective factors around them and who can support and encourage their risk avoidance choices and goal setting commitments. Given the overwhelming research that early sexual debut and teen sex leads to so many risks, access to a primary prevention education that is holistic, systematic, skill based, and evidence based is necessary.
The Solution
California Youth Partnership offers nationally recognized, evidence based programs that effectively train and empower youth to exercise risk avoidance strategies and build protective factors for their successful future. We offer varied programs that meet the needs of all youth populations, whether coming from stable backgrounds to at-risk environments.
Please click here to learn more about our programs that bring positive solutions.